By Lensgirl

Last week I was thrilled to find myself in the middle of a quaint little island in the Gulf of Mexico. The water is warm and teeming with life. There were these little floating eco-systems filled with sea creatures floating past me as I waded through the waves. I bent down to take a closer look and cupped my hands around these little miracles. Baby crabs, silver snake fish, bright blue striped baby fish, sea slugs and even sea horses live in this floating seaweed ball of wonder. My friend Great Blue Heron revisited me again from my last trip. When he took flight his wing span seemed to be about eight feet. He let me get pretty close before saying adios. The USS Lexington aircraft carrier was docked close by and was an interesting step back into history as I wandered the many decks. I stayed enjoying the sunset until the last rays of orange light dissipated.

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James E. King (Tuesday, 29 July 2014 08:46)
Especially like the bird shots and sun set. Good work!