It was a rainy morning when I headed out of town in search of great some "fog" shots. Photographing fog can be tricky. The fog is
constantly changing, and it seems the more you chase the it, the more it stays just out of reach. No worries, I had a great day capturing all the small towns that lay ahead in my journey to
the Blackland prairie east of IH 35!

Elusive fog just outside Youngsport, Texas by the Lampasas River.

These water tower styles are called "Onions" and represent a few of the towns I visited.

...just another field, right? Take a closer look ...those trees in the back had a dizzy effect as the breeze rocked the limbs. It is the little things that beckons the lens to capture.

Herbie the Love Bug's family! A field of psychedelic Bugs!!!

A feed store from days past...

Salado Creek's reflection of three semi's pushing it to their next destination.
Click on image to enlarge to read the history of Salado's early beginnings.

Small writers cabin and cold storage cellar.

This chain, possibly from 1860, still holds the cemetery gate closed where Henry Aikens body rests.

I love going through little towns with so much character. Here the grain silos in Bartlett are ready to send the yield on down the rails. When I was crossing the tracks, an Amtrak blew it's eerie horn. You can see it's light far down the track. A bit of a rush as I snapped off a few shots before the arms came down!
My next stop was the quaint town of Granger, Texas. As I walked along the aged brick street, it felt there were lots of memories wanting to be shared as I noticed the old relics. Some 1960 automobiles, an old tractor and a gas pump with the dial still set from the last patron many years ago. A tender feeling of nostalgia floated through me as I walked the empty aged brick streets. I was startled by a dark movement that caught my eye when a black cat hopped unto a blanket in the shop window. I called out to him hoping he’d throw me the predictable cat-like smug expression so I could take his portrait. He obliged.